Unusual success
What you see here is the new cover, new branding, for e pluribus haiku anthology. It has 3487 haiku, true story, just about every haiku that was written for all the previous versions, eph 2012, eph 2013, eph 2014, eph 2015, eph 2016, eph 2017 & eph 2018. The last three of those are still for sale (see below) but may be retired soon since the entire collection is included in the anthology, and since there is no particular significance to the years except their being the years I wrote them; those years are rapidly fading into the past and aren't served particularly by the haiku since the haiku don't reflect on the years themselves.
OK, on to the success. I finally got the nerve to throw this book out on the table in my general indie-author-share community, for various reasons, one being that in the heart of winter I wanted to read longer things and this is my only truly long work. I'd been a little shy about calling myself a poet, etc. Long story short - they like it, they're reading it, and even the British among them are enjoying it. It has a review now, maybe more. It's in the top ten among British haiku. It's enjoying success in the USA as well.
All of this is on kindle, the kindle version. I don't sell a whole lot of paperbacks, but I've decided not to worry about it. Paperback success will come when it comes. For the moment, just to have people read it is a miracle.
Check it out. 3487 of them. Many started out on this site (you can find them if you look). Here though we celebrate the fact that they can link. They can just be haiku, too.