camping near northway –
wakes up t’find mouse using
th’hole in th’bug’s floorboards
dull glow ‘f evening –
anchorage clerk won’t sleep,
time t’go see people
camping near th’alcan –
had some meat ‘n’ fry bread ‘n th’skillet
of course th’bear found him
delaney park strip,
th’fireworks – outside town, the bush,
th’purple swirling lights
huge feast, out in th’bush –
miles from th’d’laney park fireworks,
they share their whole world
in denali's lap,
a field of ripe blueberries -
th'old bear takes a breath
th’guy flips his kayak –
quick bath ‘n th’clear blue alcan lake
which seems t’have no name
awkward, th’broken pack –
from th’kenai, sparkle ‘f th’sea’s edge,
‘n’ money won’t buy much
short hike into th’bush
th’ev’ning sun sets ‘t tok junction –
th’bear, too, has noticed
tok junction camper –
haunted by th’impounded cars
back ‘t th’yukon border
through th’yukon border –
th’image ‘f th’impounded cars ‘n’ trucks
sticks with’m all summer
purple lights swirling -
heavens' light show pins their backs
to th'northern tundra
purple swirling lights –
not th’normal earth we lie on,
it’s arctic tundra
tokyo to new york,
her plane laid over 'n anch'rage -
that sun never set
tok junction campsite,
stuck at fork in road - okay
'til 'bout september
anchorage harbor -
sunset turns into sunrise
slowly, in silence
ninilchik harbor -
onion dome reaches for moon,
salmon boat docks full
road to ninilchik –
in th’boat, watch th’long sunset, then,
haul in th’salmon nets
salmon flop in th’boat –
onion-domed church ‘n ninilchik
welcomed all spirits
seasick and sleepless,
hauls th’kenai salmon in th’boat,
wonders where th’night went
near tok, ancient saab -
vermont tags, loaded down with
alcan gravel dust
loaded down old saab,
close t’ th’gravel – th’alcan dust
covers th’vermont tags
anch’rage, its bleakest –
th’cold august rains pound th’laundry,
he calls home collect
back t’savage river –
th’early dusk, th’snow, th’tales ‘f breakdowns
have th’tourists worried
fairbanks mission soup,
still warm as days get shorter -
stay for the oil boom?
sitka cann’ry tale -
mind-numbing season ‘f fish heads,
money t’burn on drink
sitka cannery
cash – plenty t’burn ‘til th’first frost,
then th’question ‘f where t’go
sitka canner’s tale
thousands of fish heads ‘n august,
but now th’money’s gone
th’first chill catches him –
alcan dust, vast wilderness,
he turns back t’whitehorse
denali park road –
th’bear, too, here f’r th’road lottery,
not playing by th’rules
purple lights ‘n th’kenai –
aurora ‘n fall reminds him
‘f his year with th’deadheads
down'n tok he'll decide,
hitch t'th'forty-eight for winter,
or cut back t'kenai
souls’ day, bering sea –
moonlight, ice ‘n’ water, on th’plane,
everyone’s asleep
since th'night th'grateful dead
came t'anch'rage, endless darkness,
pale lights've been his stage
new year’s eve, and th’moose
crashes palmer man’s party –
quits drinking for good
they watch th’rose parade –
th’moose, stranded ‘n th’palmer blizzard,
peeks in from th’outside
wolf moon, bering sea -
from th'airplane, earth's ghostly face -
tea, while others sleep
earthquake detection –
aleutians have th’best ‘f systems,
‘n’ th’whole winter t’watch them
d'nali train has t'stop -
man, dog, long trek t'their cabin
by dark 'n' snowed-in trail
man ‘n’ dog, th’whiteout storm,
hear th’railway – but only th’dog
is sure it will stop
he survived th’sixties,
works ‘n some post office near tok,
breath’s frozen ‘n his beard
frozen road’s smoother,
says th’bearded alcan trucker –
but you can’t break down
from th’cabin in th’bush
he watches the blizzard downtown
on th’fairbanks webcam
wanted t’be alone –
cabin’s whited out, ‘n’ his eyes
‘re on th’fairbanks webcam
dog vet’rinary –
course she carries what she needs,
mushes ten miles t’school
lived ‘n barrow twelve years –
‘t’s not th’mornings, fifty below,
‘t’s th’months ‘f darkness, ‘ll kill you
cold, rain, fog - juneau's
best valentine flowers, but
she misses texas
th’snow melt brings th’hunger,
‘n’ th’morning sun’s on denali –
th’bear, too, likes th’berries
from th’small flat ‘n tokyo,
flew over th’north – now, ‘n anch’rage,
it’s spring, ‘n’ folks’re laughing
otherworldly robe,
feet on fresh-turned earth - kenai
sun on old b'liever
on th’hill ‘bove homer,
th’old believer tills his earth –
eyes on th’western sky
sitka fishing boat
saved those deer from certain death -
frigid march waters
fairbanks library –
she tells about her dogs, ‘n’ why it’s
all about winning
changed her life th’first time
she saw them pull th’sled – on th’map,
traces th’iditarod
in willow, th’mushers,
off t’skwarentna and yentna –
th’blizzard clouds th’vision
skwarentna ‘n’ yentna,
th’worst ‘f all blizzards – lost two dogs,
but still finished th’race
all ‘bout th’comp’tition –
points her dogs t’skwarentna ‘n’ yentna,
hoping not t’lose them
single ptarmigan,
a stunted spruce, a spring cover -
freeze-dried blueberries
eight straight days of rain,
not a road out of the place -
juneau in april
'n tolkeetna cabin,
she's so far from home, but here's
'r field 'f forget-me-nots
field ‘f forget-me-nots –
moved t’tolkeetna t’get away,
now he’s everywhere
sets out from fairbanks,
explores th’vast wilderness, loves
th’days that last f’rever
purple swirling lights –
tok bear seems t’care more ‘bout th’smell 'f
morning blueberries
twin engine cessna –
clear day, blooming tundra, ‘bout
thousand caribou
caribou ‘n’ th’cessna –
change direction by th’hundreds,
but don’t seem t’fear him
dreamed 'v northern lights f'years,
one week they came up t'fairbanks,
'n'june rains settled in
near prince william sound,
week in an alpine meadow -
devil's clubs talk back
short growing season –
anch’rage gard’ner tells ‘bout th’world’s
biggest dand’lions
th’forget-me-nots bloom,
th’tolkeetna cabin’s empty –
he came, but she’d left
e pluribus haiku
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