Sunday, November 20, 2005


cour d'alene boxcar
shuts out steady mountain rain
pine smell slips through cracks

bitter years at camps;
minidoka memories -
locusts at window

fry bread 'n' huckleberries -

spit grease, cars on twelve, the sounds
of his own footsteps

fled pocatello
took enough to camp in these
a while

quarter in the snake,
small plop of an august dream-
undammed illusions

hell's canyon rafter -

moment of calm, gold leaf,

reflection in th'snake

first frost, morning chill,

coffee, trout on open fire -

bitterroot breakfast

cour d'alene drunkard
unfolding torn cali map -
damaged by first snow

twelve hours from th'coast ,

fills tank, but waits out th'blizzard -

welcome t'idaho!

panhandle woodsman,
winter's wood surrounds cabin-
sawdust falls from beard

she serves the onion soup with

pointed suggestion

window sealed against
moscow snows - not like russia,
'cept for the vodka

off twelve, th'wilderness

thaws and awakens - the fish

watches the hiker

st. joe forest home
bear knows where fish jump in spring -
let him have first try

they called it the red
'cause it ran red with salmon -
they came up hungry

salmon and coffee,
sun on lolo pass camas -
glad i'm home, he says

grandpa pulled salmon
from th' river by th'bucketfull
's why it's called the red

river ice breaks up,
fishin's good, but he dries out
in a boise jail

weiser fiddler's tale -

a world of travels end in

small town festival


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