sunblock ‘n loose cotton,
plenty ‘f supplies – drive eight hours
‘thout leaving texas
water park culture –
hot again ‘n new braunfels, ‘n’ th’kid’s
thinking ‘bout houston
shakes th’coke bottle, throws
it and shoots it, likes t’hear th’pop –
june on th’trinity
silos ‘f wichita falls
stand alone – th’plants and th’people,
burned by th’prairie sun
west texas cotton
resistant t’heat ‘n’ drought like this –
fix’n t’change people too
june on th’trinity –
lives t’use th’gun on th’wildlife,
no reason not to
on th’ranch, th’fiddler learns,
willie’s like th’anthem – don’t take
lib’rties with th’music
hot ‘n’ dusty brownsville –
like th’clerk, he’s more than aware
it’s almost the fourth
it’s all p’litical,
says th’coach of th’youth baseball league –
all want t’be th’rangers
saw th’transmountain ghost –
now, in th’valley, he’s afraid
‘f th’highway mirages
shade ‘f th’pecan tree – hear
th’rooster, watch th’tejano kids
jostle for th’front seat
san’tone cloverleaf –
east to west, th’wide hot nation,
north t’south, bit more ‘n that
me ‘n’ th’mennonite,
alone ‘n th’seminole d q –
off th’hot ‘n’ endless roads
brownsville flophouse shade
dusty border town respite
reading "on the road"
camper ‘n south dallas –
‘ttacked by th’pack ‘f wild chihuahuas
not ‘fraid ‘f anything
prickly pear cactus –
midland lass, perfectly nice
‘less you try t’touch her
came through wich'ta falls -
summer of endless prairie,
an apparition
twinkling juarez lights,
olvidamos las dias
and turn up th’air con
big truck, ‘normous wheels –
‘f fort worth, out th’window, won’t care,
at least they’ll hear him
summers ‘t th’water parks,
finally got th’job ‘t th’good one, ‘n he’s
moving t’new braunfels
across from juarez
monsoon water in river -
most o' year it's dry
ruins of tokio -
what's left of post office, shade
for mouse and hiker
a town they call post -
steps echo in its silence
and its august sun
near sierra blanca,
th’checkpoint – hat down ‘n th’morning sun,
this one’s for willie
rattlesnake fest’val –
even here th’jalapenos,
so eas’ly given
labor day coffee
hundred-year sun finds pecos -
taste of chicory
across a broad lake,
six lanes west to grand prairie -
window stays open
got th’pan de campo
‘n’ th’water – corpus christi man’s
seen some hurricanes
holed up, second floor –
all of houston’s feral cats
seem t’be floating by
ten houston commute,
mosquito fries on windshield-
he never saw maine
landed in inchon,
survived a bitter war - but
hates texas summers
raised in port arthur,
held her like a tight swimsuit -
made her want to scream
juarez kids watch trucks
westbound out of el paso
hot sand, deep river
flower girl sings blues
but dusty pal is native
san antonian
in the alamo
history peeks from behind
racks of sunglasses
back roads to airport -
sun, dust, west texas summer,
highway cuts through bliss
west ‘f amarillo,
th’sun sets on th’cadillac fins –
grasses’ve changed color
outskirts of dallas -
city nightlife's lure; in th' west,
autumn tornados
th’lasses wear th’big mums,
go t’dairy queen after th’big game,
‘n’ can’t stop their giggling
corner 'f flint 'n'nineteenth,
old baseball, season's ending-
nine hundredth haiku
fall, high ‘n th’guadalupes
woke up t’find a bear sleeping
‘gainst her, outside th’tent
all night, hunter's moon,
stiff west wind, high plains, then, at
dawn, amarillo
crude taunts, they rock th’jones –
at what point’s th’raucous party
an offensive foul?
stuffing with gravy –
from th’great room, at th’back ‘f th’ranch, th’sounds
‘f th’cowboys’ goalline stand
cotton in th’roadside weeds –
outside plains, he realizes
how much he’s drifted
oil drilling money,
nowhere t’go –it’s halloween, ‘n’ he’s
fly’n through sweetwater
drillers ‘n sweetwater,
lots ‘f money t’burn – outside th’bar,
th’young trick or treater
blouse caught on barbed wire -
it's cooled off toward livable,
b't her mind's on dallas
almost home, monarch!
let's rest, celebrate the breeze
on the guadalupe
child, sad and hungry,
eyes cookies on l'redo shrine
to th'angelitos
loves college football –
all of life comes t’saturday,
a place he calls th’jones
light snow ‘t th’grassy knoll –
all th’days seem th’same t’ th’hustler, stuck
‘n nineteen sixty three
turkey ‘n cerveza –
live ‘n both worlds, but look ‘t th’way they’ve
taken to th’cowboys
a deep-fried turkey,
parking lot family dinner -
cowboy stadium
ornament vendors –
laredo sisters’ secrets
are unknown to th’world
christmas ‘n laredo –
th’air’s fresh ‘n’ warm, but th’lass still cries
‘t th’shrine ‘f th’angelitos
guy owns th’oil comp’ny –
new year, ‘n’ th’wife wants’m t’stop fracking
b’neath th’plano mansion
texas-shaped waffles –
new year sobriety checks ‘n nash,
‘n’ she needs more syrup
loop lifts at quaker,
geese call and circle their find -
unfrozen water
bag o' 'spresso beans -
plane circles over frigid
fields, lubbock recedes
austin red dirt band –
did just fine ‘n nashville, rather
be here all winter
cott'n in tumbleweed -
new t'plains winter, he brakes for
its rabbit-like jump
junction exit ramp –
mexico or th’frigid north?
th’gila looks for shade
ice on th’median –
‘round plainview, he realizes
how wide ‘n’ huge th’plains are
from bitter plains chill,
scrub bush his only shelter -
yellow house canyon
ten, ribbon wrapping
the west texas high country -
gift that needs a tree
el paso denny's -
juevos, 'n' new years' toast, to the
safe side 'v the river
short cut back t’dimmitt -
wife gave birth ‘n th’panhandle storm,
drifts, canyon t’naz’reth
riverwalk buskers –
fin’ly, th’cool breeze by th’river
but there’s no room t’walk
riverwalk buskers’
blankets ‘n’ sweaters against th’night –
not really that cold
near amarillo,
caddy's fins praise th'winter sun -
old truck's engine dies
just off paisano –
huevos ‘n’ chorizos ‘n’ coffee
and th’cold wind from th’north
back roads near brownfield –
eighty ‘n th’blizzard, ‘n’ startled by
th’normous tumbleweed
eight ball in the side -
abilene cowboy's warning:
stay 'way f'my val'n'tine
somewhere ‘n hill country,
psychedelic valentines –
got th’mushrooms ‘n austin
knows th’javelina,
wild ‘n’ fierce, lives off th’baby sheep –
she’s killed a bunch ‘f ‘em
hard life ‘f drugs ‘n’ music –
rockers curse th’prickly cactus
blooming on th’guad’lupe
dust storm ‘n th’panhandle,
th’road is straight, but can’t see th’lines,
‘n’ still a ways t’plainview
west texas, th’cacti
bloom – he still hears th’song from th’boat,
b-b-benny ‘n’ th’jets
it's spring - grassy knoll,
its conspiracy theories
huge ranch outside post –
easter dinner, ‘njoying th’view,
sky turns, and it pours
‘cross houston on ten –
th’work world, th’traffic, th’refin’ries,
sun’s up, haiku day
base ‘f th’san jacinto –
th’schoolkids pose, april morning,
‘n’ th’hist’ry itself, gone
easter, san antone –
they’ve run out th’homeless, ‘n’ made it
a crime to feed them
wildflowers appear -
san marcos, one stop of hike,
boston to peru
port arthur plumber –
bluebonnets ‘n th’road to austin –
friend ‘f janis, he says
bluebonnets ‘n th’roadside –
she’d mentioned friends like th’plumber,
stuck, ‘n’ he’d had t’agree
van breaks down ‘n sealy –
it’s th’curse ‘f janis, says th’driver,
hiker’s back ‘n th’flowers
it's twisted, she says -
tornado hit th'n.t.s.
outside, a spring squall
they put texas down,
but never saw this field of
blooming bluebonnets
hard rains – west texas
wildflow’rs ‘re happy, but cotton
planters are anxious
migra's got th'dogs out -
guy takes blooming cactus tour
up toward guadaloupes
roadside bluebonnets
open morning, austin-bound
long road t’laredo –
spring break he crosses th’border,
indulges with th’whores
goes with th'ABC,
hit lubbock this spring, had enough -
his dreams in a knot
red dirt bands ‘f austin –
booked ‘n’ rowdy, clear through april,
still can’t pay their rent
musicians ‘f austin,
fest’val jams all night – ‘round noon,
th’world’s hottest b’rrito
on twenty, near baird,
pretty flower, growing ‘n th’rocks –
mexican buckeye
th’cartels have all th’drones,
says th’el paso gardener –
th’wall won’t hurt them ‘t all
mexican buckeye,
wild ‘n’ free, ‘n th’rocks on ten, shade from
th’fear ‘f jail forever
bluebonnets ‘n th’alley –
he’s parked his loaded pickup
on his texas pride
bob wills festival –
town ‘f turkey tries to contain
th’panhandle’s urge t’drink
kerrville campfire jam -
tune and tale from each corner,
soft glow of embers
kerrville campfire tale,
roads were wet, ‘n’ she went off one –
wet wood crackles ‘n’ th’fire
wanted th’kerrville hugs
so badly that time, she came
and left th’car running
at least when she died,
says the kerrville camper, she was
going someplace good
kerrville campfire tales –
texas’s taken its toll, but
they came ‘nother year
truck with th’lone star flag
flies by – they seem t’grow cotton
from th’flimsiest ‘f soil
flags along quaker,
reasons they died, long lost to
corner news vendors
grassy knoll hustler,
peddling th’brochures ‘n th’june showers –
has his own theory
his hometown's called wink -
one june, followed sun west - 's friend
couldn't seem to leave
e pluribus haiku
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