fishing th’yellowstone –
he likes th’shape ‘n movement ‘f th’fish,
it’s all about th’lures
he knows it’s the rainbow –
wye exit, near th’gathering,
they’re changing their clothes
choteau fourth - one view
'f th'events of little bighorn
upsets th'local girl
choteau parade tale –
th’lass is shocked th’blackfoot could be
so drunk and bitter
grandma talks t’ th’blackfoot –
she’s old, ‘n’ he’s drunk, they agree,
t’th’noise ‘f th’choteau parade
bitteroot valley
elk stop for aspen breakfast -
tenuous balance
whitefish forest tale –
hiking all night, then, at dawn,
big mountain jesus
fishing th’bitterroot,
broke ‘s foot – van ‘f hippies saved ‘s life,
now he’ll pay it back
contempt – might be, th’backpackers
‘re wye’s only vis’tors
trout bucket spills, fish
flail in pickup bed, locusts
screech - road to bozeman
small tent in glacier,
food hung in tree, sounds of woods -
she hears bears all night
glacier campsite bear –
they invited her t’dinner,
she had other plans
mirage ‘n th’sun-baked road,
th’needle’s at e, not yet t’moore –
off ‘n th’distance, th’mountains
uphill, th'wide prairie -
cyclist on two says he's got
new view of 'big sky'
moore roadside wildflow’rs –
focused on th’mountains ‘n th’distance,
‘n’ th’sun’d risen on both
surprise creek baseball -
game with no fences, challenge
to contain oneself
came back t’surprise creek,
found th’grace he was looking for,
‘n th’sunday game ‘f baseball
blueberries in th’sack,
hunk ‘f cheese, water jug, freight train –
west t’ th’idaho line
koot’nai boxcar’s wind –
mountain streams, wildflow’rs in th’sun,
forgets t’watch f’r tunnels
in th’koot’nai tunnel –
th’mountain summer vanishes,
th’rails’ echoes deafen
rising sun cyclist –
by day, pedals th’mountain cliffs
by night, campfire tales
glacier pullover –
th’bear’s a year-round resident,
just contempt f’r th’tourist
rising sun cyclist –
th’bear still wonders how th’woman
can be so quiet
th’roads‘re narrow, th’cliffs‘re steep –
cycling th’sun highway, she says,
th’high point of her life
cameron rancher,
hands sore from th’day on th’fences –
he’s where he wants t’be
husband’s ‘n stocks ‘n’ bonds,
she says, ‘bout t’ride th’sun road cliffs,
he studies risk ‘t home
thunder, august squalls,
trucker grinding ev'ry gear-
coming out of butte
dawn, whitefish forest –
bed ‘f leaves, campfire, and th’view of
big mountain jesus
bear crosses road to
m'ssoula, back into sumac -
and not to college
from behind th’sumac,
th’bear calmly watches th’freshmen –
th’attractions ‘f m’ssoula
sumac on th’roadside –
back ‘n missoula, she yearns for
diff’rent kind ‘f future
outside th’town office,
koot’nai woods for miles – inside,
ghost decorations
rains in kalispell -
leaves blown down past camper where
hunters are huddled
raining ‘n kalispell –
th’wet leaves falling remind him
how cold th’mountains get
cabin at foot of
elevation mountain - watch
orion stand tall
big mountain jesus
‘n’ th’whitefish forest cup ‘f coffee –
first frost, ‘n’ th’issues ‘f th’day
missoula campfire –
first frost in th’northern rockies,
‘n’ black coffee for th’road
million acres scorched,
tongue river too, th’wildlife’s gone,
first snow, ‘n’ there’s silence
going to th’sun road –
eastern part closed by th’first ice ‘n’ snow,
west, closed by th’wildfires
elk in th’bitteroots –
moves slowly off th’snowy road,
call it th’cold shoulder
christmas ‘n helena –
government should’ve known not t’burn,
lost th’ranch, ‘n’ th’guy’s bitter
missoula new year –
party lasts ‘til dawn, they step
into six foot drifts
champagne ‘n’ everclear –
missoula kids didn’t reckon
with th’seven foot drifts
bring on th’four foot drifts,
says th’bozeman lass – better than
for’st fires, any day
considers ‘t hostile –
th’wide ‘n’ flat montana prairie,
all covered with ice
skiing near bozeman –
he calculates th’cost ‘f wireless
‘n’ plane tickets back east
rancher eyes raven,
wolf tracks in snow - there's trouble
in the bitteroot
billings policeman
knows when blizzard's expected
and who'll be stranded
near billings th’car shakes,
trying t’get home f’r th’holidays –
th’fear overtakes her
blizzard ‘n th’icy streets –
billings p’liceman reflects on
th’things you just can’t change
ranchers here'n cam'ron
have trouble getting calves through
winter without wolves
gears shift, trucks rumble,
orion pokes fire embers -
butte cloverleaf fades...
field of camas waves -
four dogs, three hikers, old truck,
winds through lolo pass
river ice breaks up,
fishin's good, but he dries out
in a bozeman jail
koot'nai wilderness -
from th'top 'f th'boxcar, th'mountain springs,
watch out for th'tunnel!
cameron rancher –
wary ‘f nature’s predators,
hungriest in th’spring
eureka teller
smiles at loonies and toonies -
spring's come down th'rockies
eureka teller
doesn’t mind th’loonies ‘n’ toonies,
‘n’ takes th’hiker’s flowers
days ‘f loonies ‘n’ toonies,
plans t’see th’eureka teller -
now their camas bloom
montana wetlands –
he’s glad th’sandhill cranes came back
from th’bosque d’l’apache
montana wetlands –
so few people, even th’cranes
seem t’know them by name
e pluribus haiku
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