his back to traffic,
his sandals catch on asphalt -
wants out of denver
we live in rifle,
nothing funny about it -
happy fourth to ya
pueblo yards blazing,
minutes t'hours, waiting for train -
all t'stay off th'highway
aspen leaves shimmer,
soft afternoon light shines through -
delay denver life
asleep in the hay,
down mountain roads near aspen,
but th'truck loses wheel
hitchhiking against
traffic - estes park aspens
shimmer in the sun
djiboutian cabbie
wants clues - denver conventions,
summer mystery
just up the mountains,
red rocks, blue sky, sun - guitar
solo shimmers, sears
flatlanders in vail
all summer, filling their tanks -
trip home's all downhill
bear logo reflects
in downtown denver's windows -
woodsman's labor day
cafe on sixteenth-
painted piano, well-played -
only leaves respond
trinidad cowboy
in town to belt down a few
cuss out the broncos
pastries from dumpster,
fried acorns, creamers he'd swiped
back in evergreen
th'platte - souls' day refuge
from traffic and th'business world
of downtown denver
at lookout exit,
truckers warned - icy blizzard,
descent treacherous
th’”free tibet” bumper
impress him the most
high above denver,
tunnels blocked by drifts, car stuck,
white noise, no defrost
san luis winters -
so hard, so long, they'd forgot
what candles were for
larimer diner
omelet's ham and cheese - warmth for
next mile-high blizzard
rancher from hugo,
larimer street club, march squall -
his eyes will adjust
ways outside steamboat,
mountain road, ‘n th’alpine daisies
th’mountain goat appears(5-15)
limon boxcar door
slams on april fools' day joke
whole punchline, he missed
mem'ry, horizon
melt together in june sun
next town, dinosaur
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