Saturday, September 03, 2005

new jersey


problem - girlfriend's lasagna's
not quite up to mom's


in millionaire's porsche,
you'd think 'tlantic city'd shine
on fourth - it doesn't

hoboken summers -
tight families, no place to hide -
you'd be crooning too

acrid stench, 'nother truck

stripped - steamy sunday morning

on the garden state

bumper to bumper,
top down through bay head sea breeze -
labor day mem'ries

lavallette houses
only some are still lived in
from labor day on

library perched high
on rock cliff above highway-
gold leaves, dark tunnel

bagel, lox 'n' coffee -

at yom kippur, grim resolve

t'face jersey city

pollution sunset
frames giants traffic, wasteland -
what's this 'garden state?'

hackensack waitress -

her fam'ly's turkey 'n' gossip,

she'd die without it

signs for hoboken,
vast wetlands ready to freeze -
diesel cloud sunset

delaware water
gap's winter wooded stillness-
this is new jersey?

burlington farmhouse

guest bed creaks - yule secrets

'f quaker ancestors

atlantic city -
hear lu's story at new year:
died at slot machine

warm dark eyes, fur hood -
she tries hard to imagine
life b'yond paramus

garden state turnpike
window down, february
another car stripped

jersey's image falls -

in march squall, a cowboy finds

turnpike restrooms locked

bus from oranges -
holland tunnel, knicks final,
they go dutch on fares


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