bed ‘f th’navajo truck –
some blankets ‘n’ tools, th’high mountains,
out ‘f th’phoenix summer
high ‘n th’painted desert,
th’scorpion’s noticed – sun’s gone down
a little earlier
window rock on fourth -
this ain't ar'zona, he says,
but sure is th'u.s.
window rock patriot –
our fireworks are navajo time,
not arizona
too poor f’r firecrackers,
phoenix barrio kids shoot guns –
she sees ‘m in th’e r
ambulance ‘n th’valley –
easier t’find guns ‘n’ ammo
than buy th’firecrackers
baked out wash near why,
still asleep, th'cool hours 'f morning -
th'rattler disapproves
paradise valley –
been in phoenix all her life,
won’t touch th’sun-baked rails
th’ancestral homeland –
douglas t’ten, ‘n th’night breeze, tells ‘bout
skeleton canyon
sky harbor pilot
scorns hazy summers, but loves
t'lift right up out 'f them
sky harbor pilot –
angling t’ward vegas, sees th’house
down th’scorching valley
strip rancher curses
th’day th’saints sold out t’ th’government –
searing sun, blue sky
tent city sheriff –
justifies th’one thirty temps
‘f th’concentration camps
drones ‘f sierra vista
don’t mind midday’s scorching heat –
control them from th’ground
sixty six motel -
gideon's cool, but kingman's walks
egg-fry hot by nine
kingman motel tale –
sleeps t’noon t’avoid th’heat, he says,
sun melts th’beatles tape
somewhere outside why
desert summer stillness asks -
always traveling?
car breaks down 'n oracle,
kid's sure it's sign of god - hiker's
back on dusty road
roller coaster road –
pool ‘n th’back yard, ‘n’ he feels guilty
with each new mixed drink
like geronimo -
hides in apache cave, scorns
air conditioning
hundred twenty ‘n th’shade,
encanto village in june –
gallon ‘f water ‘n th’trunk
potholders ‘n th’console –
mesa lass parked ‘t th’water store,
can’t touch th’steering wheel
ajo road rattler –
lets you camp ‘n’th’old dry wash,
tells you when th’sun’s up
in th’superstitions,
th’blazing heat, th’water bottle
‘n’ th’workings ‘f his own mind
mex’can gold poppies
light up th’hillsides – tempe kid
decides t’go t’vegas
on ten through phoenix
th’trucker talks football t’stay awake –
last big town b’fore th’coast
oatman's wild burros
bob for apples - ghost tale of
some irish miner
hunter’s moon, he stands
‘t th’rim ‘f th’grand canyon – tries not t’think
‘bout th’meaning ‘f it all
decorated skulls -
bisbee schoolteacher explains
nat'ral confusion
decorated skulls –
tucson schoolteacher’s learned how
t’explain t’ th’new parents
visiting artist –
‘n th’bisbee lass’ tour – what shocks her’s
th’decorated skulls
sedona tourist –
soul’s day ‘n th’vortex, doesn’t buy
th’stuff about healing
two vets, red poppies,
phoenix walmart parking lot -
a little conflict
philly - l.a. hitch,
jalapeno grits 'n' stuffing -
mesa hol'day grace
jalapeno grits –
th’mesa kids thank god d’rectly
‘t th’thanksgiving dinner
mesa rebel’s tale –
even ‘t thanksgiving, he likes
th’jalapeno grits
half th’night t’get t’phoenix –
guy buys th’breakfasts, pays th’tip, takes
candy canes from th’jar
balloon santa, propped
up on phoenix lawn, inches
from prickly cactus
like th’parking meters,
th’saguaros guard th’mountain pass
it’s christmas ‘n tucson
phoenix lass’ window –
balloon santa sways in th’breeze
near th’prickly cactus
tucson saguaros,
twinkling stars greet the new year,
guard pass through mountains
his ears’re still ringing,
freak hailstorm, apache junction –
new year with th’snow birds
apache junction –
tells ‘bout th’freak hailstorm ‘n th’metal
‘bout th’time ‘f th’countdown
apache junction
preacher’s found th’snowbirds – at least
thy have time t’listen
snow on strip pinon -
canyon's fresh blanket shelters
from mormon country
used t’playing gospel –
got gigs all winter singing
‘t all th’snowbird churches
gospel ‘n th’snowbird church –
he’d feel it more ‘f he had th’gas
t’get t’casa grande
more snow ‘n th’streets of flag –
she plays th’clubs ‘n th’valley ‘n vegas,
now she hears his voice
played th’clubs around flag,
she says, mitten on her tears –
she, too, does his songs
navajo blankets,
ride, from gap to snowed-in flag,
remain unfinished
tonopah exit -
even the desert winters
strike him as extreme
cactus garden brims
with exotic blossoms in
phoenix midday sun
saguaros stand guard -
joy of desert chicory,
escape from tucson
phoenix traffic - swath
of mexican gold poppies
don't mind the diesel
navajo blanket –
phoenix exit, haiku day,
‘n’ th’book, too, incomplete
tucson beer garden –
she left him here ‘n th’blooming yuccas,
he still plays th’beeswing song
sunrise, from small tent
wide, pastel, ancient landscape -
easter, hermit's rest
th’organ pipe cactus –
doesn’t mind th’solitude, blooms
entirely t’please th’sun
ajo lass – th’blooming
cycle ‘f th’organ pipe cactus
‘s one thing she knows well
sonoran peoples,
th’topic ‘f h’r books – tucson folkfest,
th’present attraction
sonora’s blooming,
‘n’ through th’tohono o’odham res,
her search f’r common ground
blooming sonoras,
th’allman brothers drum solo –
th’cup runneth over
slight may rain, th’red blooms
of th’ocotillo on ten –
sudden change of mood
oc’tillos on ten -
soft red flowers ‘f th’sonora
could be th’love ‘f his life
broken down on ten –
th’ocotillos, th’morning sun,
have t’accept what is
valley interstate –
th’mexican gold poppies catch
th’morning sun, just so
serious saguaros’
flow’rs hold out in th’sonora heat –
and th’town’s called carefree
saguaros ‘f tucson –
in th’high mountain pass, their flow’rs
seem t’welcome her home
saguaros blooming –
mexican bats’ only chance
t’come through th’sonora
e pluribus haiku
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