iced tea, mint, sugar
calhoun county’s best manners –
little extra sugar
gadsden barbeque –
no matter how hard times are,
y’all’re welcome for th’fourth
in mobile, th’junction –
heavy rain’s cancelled th’fireworks,
‘n’ her plans are in th’air
she’s back ‘n fairhope f’r th’fourth –
a town that’s absorbed ‘n itself,
kind of refreshing
lazy fairhope morns –
th’old mansion has issues, hers,
th’cool mint tea ‘n th’study
fishing th'tombigbee,
his sultry prison 'f a town's
million miles away
back home from th’army –
wants t’work f’r th’birmingham police
‘n’ crank th’air con at home
kudzu chokes back road,
ominous warning posted -
go back to mobile
clanton tourists' tale -
came hundreds 'f miles in this heat
to pay our respects
picnic near clanton –
their honor, their lives, bound
t’ th’confederacy
clanton picnic tale –
he knows th’confed’rate gen’rals,
names his sons after’m
second-guessing lee –
clanton picnic folks insist
stonewall would have won
grew all th’mint herself –
vegetables all got withered
in th’hot ‘bama sun
shocked t’see th’yankee hat
on th’red clay bama backroads –
little out of place
windows closed ‘gainst th’heat –
active shooter ‘t th’arsenal,
but th’word seems t’get ‘round
midnight trucker’s voice,
they’re burning tires up ahead –
then, th’crickets ‘f fort payne
good manners steeping,
iced tea, mint, lemon, sugar -
sweet heart of dixie
nice fiddle ya got
come up blount mount'n, he says - got
folks play all summer
muscle shoals fiddler –
used t’ th’summers ‘n’ th’culture of th’place,
loves those dixie songs
trowbridge egg n' olive -
iced tea to cool the tongue, from
florence gossip's sting
fairhope maiden's wish -
her own front porch, summer read,
someone to talk to
fairhope, she says, town
where folks notice ev’rything,
‘n’ summer still drags on
excited ‘bout th’tide,
eager t’take that hopped up truck
‘n’ parade th’red colors
old yankee hat on
rider, old 'bama clay in
truck, fall sky outside
her wood’s cut and stacked,
guy ‘n th’old truck, ‘bama clay,
drops off th’venison
ven’son ‘n’ collard greens –
not happy ‘bout th’auburn game,
‘n’ scroungin’ for dessert
'bama fans trashing
auburn streets - college prank, 'cept
they aren't in college
don’t care f’r th’college kids –
he’s fixin’ t’do some damage
when th’tide beats auburn
twenty near ranburne –
rolling hills, autumn fog, dusk,
th’u.f.o. was real
hauling through ranburne,
th’changing leaves through th’fog, then, th’lights
from another world
confederate flag,
united we stand sticker-
'bama football day
red ‘bama jerseys –
for each number, a player,
gods of th’pantheon
ranburne trucker’s tale –
th’saucer landed ‘n th’autumn fog,
right along twenty
behold, the first frost,
th’hanging bottles, th’morning sun –
two-lane t’montgom’ry
black friday ‘n gadsden –
mall owner tries to explain
why they kicked him out
pedophile ‘n th’senate –
election season, ‘n’ asks ‘bout
bus’ness as usual
bottles hang from th’trees –
first frost, two-lane t’montgom’ry,
walk past th’eerie light
dothan laundromat -
young boy, inconsolable
saw santa drinking
road forks in mobile -
cut north to face family,
or winter on gulf
coden temple gift,
from shrimper's wife to buddha -
new year's storm hits gulf
coden shrimper’s boat –
hull ‘n’ ornament, all they found,
after th’new year’s storm
eastbound at grand bay,
epiph'ny wind - unprepared,
for dawn's light'n her eyes
space heater, packed church -
sand mountain snakes stay in box,
amens all around
b’lieve god speaks through th’snakes,
but th’sand mountain church burned down –
left th’space heater on
fam’ly’s kicked around
bama – now he stays warm ‘n’ works
making odysseys
snakes of sand mountain –
spits on th’frozen ground, says she’s
punished f’r ev’ry thought
tales ‘f old ‘bombingham’ –
rubs hands t’keep warm, ‘n’ tells how you’d
stay out of th’churches
plain old city bus,
a mid-winter way to work -
selma's reflection
selma bus ‘n winter,
take it just for th’experience –
often late, she says
standing by th’trash can,
burning th’news t’keep warm, telling
why ‘t’s called ‘bombingham’
oh so ord’nary –
selma bus, winter morning,
driver keeps ‘s eyes down
trash can fire, share th’heat –
th’black folks ‘n th’city can tell you
th’hist’ry ‘f “bombingham”
blount mountain music –
so good, he says, ya tend t’forget
y’ain’t worked all winter
ain't been this cold in
gadsden, she says, since th'war of
northern aggression
not much to see here,
grim march rain's soaking florence,
blues in muscle shoals
dothan court, spring day,
she mutters about justice -
her son’s still locked up
gadsden magnolia,
flowers, strong ‘n’ fragrant – behind th’bush,
they’ve thrown some beer cans
‘nother round ‘f spring winds –
trailer home ‘n tuscaloosa
not th’best idea
inside th’van, th’guitar –
no money, th’grim ‘bama spring,
‘n’ now, ‘t’s raining again
rain, mobile exits,
on t’ward th’new orleans blood bank –
somewhere, it’s easter
from montgom'ry west,
spring dawn wakens th'countryside,
ir'n rails sing f'r freedom
th’local lass jumps th’train –
west from montgomery, th’flow’rs,
th’valleys call to her
th’trees’re blooming ‘n dothan –
outside th’courthouse, th’mother yells,
no justice f’r th’poor folks!
westbound, seminole,
green-eyed lass, bouquet ‘f flowers –
he’s stopped in his tracks
lives on th’styx, th'flowers
are all over th’place – he tries
t’imagine stopping
scent ‘f honeysuckle –
all up th’river styx she feels
so overpowered
it’s honeysuckle,
she says – he admits he’s not
from alabama
flowers on th’river styx –
surprised you’d notice, what with
all th’honeysuckle
rains pound birmingham,
bright unmatched sock - another
laundromat easter
proud ‘f his ten c’mmandments –
gadsden gard’ner’s tales ‘f how th’guy
don’t mind th'coveting
train t’montgomery,
th’brakes screech – wisteria in th’fields,
th’morning dew shines ‘n th’sun
dothan magnolia –
th’place itself holds onto her,
‘n’ ‘t’s just now getting hot
june rains ‘n muscle shoals –
th’river rises, th’hiker waits,
somewhere, there’s music
e pluribus haiku
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