bound’ry waters lakes –
wide sky, th’lack of conflict, but
th’bugs sure are hungry
feet ‘n th’lake ‘t two harbors,
even ‘t night, th’fish nip – ‘cross th’way,
fireworks ‘n wisconsin
throwing th’lutefisk –
from th’festival ‘t two harbors,
he looks back ‘cross th’lake
birches’ve come alive –
winnipeg-bound trucker tells
about th’folk festival
from th’cities t’fargo,
takes th’june northern recklessness
and changes his route
bound’ry waters tale –
th’bear considers th’americans
just a bit naive
th’ir’n comes down th’hillside –
th’rusty water ‘f gooseberry,
like drinking a nail
ir’n colored water,
toes in th’cool gooseberry ponds –
th’way they make their o’s
orange cones, road t’saint paul,
th’tiny wildflowers amongst th’weeds –
no time for a nap
foul words, orange cones –
bound f’r moose lake, doesn’t want t’miss
th’precious good weather
old boat on white bear -
rhythm of ripples on hull
minutes into days
locks ‘n’ dams‘re th’problem –
winona houseboat lass tells
‘f canoeing th’whole thing
north shore gulls adrift,
lake breezes changing their minds -
and days turn shorter
outside two harbors,
night softens lake and wisconsin,
but for some fireworks
winona houseboat
tales – she tells ‘f th’summer she
canoed th’whole river
old guy ‘t two harbors –
plays accordion ‘t th’festival,
loves t’watch’m throw th’lut’fisk
half mile from downtown -
dirt path, green woods, secret beach
folks find secret beach
downtown t’franklin t’twenty first –
tonight, th’loon’s found it
t’ev’ry beach, its crowd,
gay or straight – but secret beach,
f’r whoever finds it
hidden part ‘f calhoun –
cool, clear ‘n’ close, not too hard t’find,
best ‘f all th’ten thousand
‘fast corn’ technol’gy –
through albert lea ‘n th’caddy, claims
three crops in, this year
warm rock, ten foot drop
t’frigid lake superior – those
boys’ll live forever
county fair, north coast –
th’kid ‘n’ th’dog, both int’rested in
th’dead fish they’re throwing
barefoot ‘n powderhorn,
smoke ‘n music fill th’afternoon,
but th’days get shorter
bush on either side,
buck ev'ry ten, twenty miles -
hit duluth by six
xerxes avenue -
i learned th'alphabet, he says,
on these shady streets
tales ‘f th’laughing waters,
‘n’ th’summer th’hippies took over,
out ‘n minnehaha
grasshopper on rush
trying to make it to shore
before th'bass gets him
chisago lowland
visitors - mallards fly in
for wild rice dinner
superior shore's
cold august rain lets up in
split rock tunnel's glow
dinkytown cafe -
workers don't know what happened
to the baseball scores
ten thousand lakes, but
one loon's cry throttles the night
even at th'town park
needin' thirty bucks,
they'll walk through any open door in
northfield lass’ complaint –
that they’d call th’her’tage fest’val
defeat ‘f jesse james
‘her’tage festival’ –
most ‘f northfield not bothered by
‘defeat ‘f jesse james’
kind of likes th’silos,
rides minnehaha t’downtown,
‘n’ likes when they’re filled up
omelets come and go,
fall breeze catches sports section -
life at the seward
road t’eden prairie –
gets th’new students t’play hockey,
lost some teeth himself
oak savannah, they
call it - pin oaks hold out on
minnesota plain
pin oaks against th’wind –
sometimes folks dig in their heels
‘n th’minnesota plains
pin oaks, road t’moorhead –
stubborn ‘n’ slow changing th’colors,
‘n’ th’hard plains loneliness
night ‘n th’town ‘f grand marais –
th’road t’canada, too, is ready
f’r th’long, silent winter
road t’thief river falls –
hoping his luck will change, quick
before th’weather does
out from split rock’s cliffs
with th’whitecaps ‘n’ th’cold wind, he knows
there’s trouble on th’lake
raging lake ‘t splitrock
‘n’ th’fury ‘f november – she knows
what it’s like in th’boat
up through two harbors,
northern lights, icy forest -
days'll be longer soon
shakopee t’saint paul –
live on th’interstates, get t’know
all th’kinds of black ice
sleet ‘n th’parking lot –
to her, th’shirts are heavenly
‘t th’mall ‘f america
folk music ‘n th’cities,
‘n’ snow drifts ‘n riverside – he’s found
‘n old two-dollar bill
uptown beemer's trapped,
not by th'two feet 'f fresh snow, but
by th'punctual snowplow
outside minnetonka,
tale'f th'city scrapin' dozer
fell through a soft spot
whole scrapin’ dozer
fell through th’minnetonka ice –
spring, you get what’s left
tales ‘f th’old hastings bridge –
icy days like this, th’spirals
made th’horses nervous
walker in th’blizzard –
what s’prises th’guest, not th’ice ‘n’ snow,
but that life goes on
cities’ roads ‘r’ iced ‘n’ glazed –
folks don’t mind, all th’rinks ‘n’ lakes,
‘n’ hot cocoa by th’fire
some jerk broke his nose
high school hockey's serious
in eden prairie
eden prairie coach
tries t’get kids t’play fair on th’ice –
he, too, ‘s missing teeth
choosing th’eastern branch –
th’gold dome, a silent saint paul,
then, th’frozen river
saint paul streets, glazed ‘n’ clear,
gold dome’s silent – car full ‘f kids
goes back t’dinkytown
lost faith th'winter ir'n
range priest took bingo funds, spent
'm all in holy land
brought her show t’ th’walker,
knows her warhol and th’soup can -
ice on dayton’s curb
hennepin café –
she tells ‘f warhol’s marilyns,
they tell ‘f th’kinds ‘f black ice
ice on th’silos –
jaded as she is, she likes
the mini-apple
march blizzard 'n th'cities,
drunken sioux, angry tirade -
on th'wrong city bus
slush flies from th’bus wheels –
on saint paul’s grim haiku day,
it’s hard t’find th’poetry
warrior’s anguished rage –
may blizzard, seward bus fare,
th’fate of th’sioux peoples
angry lake street sioux –
may blizzard, ‘n’ lost patience with
“minnesota nice”
duluth harbor quest –
he’ll know all the lake’s secrets
soon as th’ice breaks up
west 'v th'cities, the plains
open out, green 'n' wide - clara
city, you're a speck
down from winnipeg -
hit th'cities 'round two, but 'n june,
everyone's still up
sun ‘n’ th’old star tribunes –
th’hippie farmer’s on th’porch, with
th’huge stalk ‘f brussel sprouts
coast t’coast, ‘n’ comes t’saint paul –
neat lawns ‘n th’city he used t’know,
‘n now, th’lit up cap’tol
twinkiedome drama
yankee fans, a bit crude, but
june belongs to twins
called th’false indigo,
says th’saint paul lass – th’purple flow’r
escaped into th’wild
iron range trainyard –
prairie larkspur, you’ve come far,
forgive their language
dinkytown lattes -
punks agree, june's too short to
suffer through classes
e pluribus haiku
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