cobalt sea, high tides –
‘f th’longest day would ever end,
you’d see th’million stars
ready for th’fireworks –
three tours ‘n iraq, ‘n’ t’ th’hilo man,
sensitive subject
makaha surfer –
th’deepest ‘f summer tans, ‘n’ quite calm,
‘til th’kid steals his wave
currency broker –
fiscal year, ‘n’ th’dollar’s shaky,
waikiki, so calm
forbidden because
it’s risky – hard rains on th’fourth
in th’haiku valley
labor day - haiku
stairs guard takes our photograph;
in fog, a smile's lost
koi pond rest’ration –
big island tourists’ve seen him
work labor day too
chirping stilt protests
tenuous relationship
on pearl harbor beach
pounding 'f th'taro root,
while lava 'n' th'condos advance -
its echo fills th'valley
banyan tree ‘n front street –
if costumes flaunt th’native ways,
then what ‘bout th’hiker?
rain pounds windward side,
haiku valley mission postponed -
saints day step van tea
urge to pray - during
volcano park ranger's tale,
r'members it's souls' day
volcano park tale –
souls’ day, it’s true, ‘n’ ev’ryone’s
standing on lava
vets' day, pahoa -
twelve hundred degree lava,
best to step aside
obsessed with th’tweetstorm –
even as th’turkey’s ready,
th’hilo lass checks th’phone
kailua tourist -
tells how aunt picked fights over
that turkey carcass
pacific sailor –
weeks ‘t sea, comes t’dock ‘t pearl harbor
on its special day
ev’ry december,
dreamed ‘f bombs ‘n’ death – never dreamed he’d
go back t’pearl harbor
chirping ‘t pearl harbor,
stilts on th’beach don’t know this day –
ev’ryone else does
season of giving –
makaha surfer’s touchy
about a good wave
still mad ‘t obama –
came t’th’islands f’r th’hol’days, never
wore th’aloha shirt
pounds ‘f fresh rambutans –
‘bout full, when they heard th’alert,
this is not a drill
thirty eight minutes –
th’sea’s blue, th’air’s warm, ‘n’ he’s on th’world’s
tiniest island
won’t watch th’super bowl –
says ‘t kept th’mainland from seeing
elvis in hawaii
th’year elvis came t’town,
th’super bowl kept th’world away
‘n’ now no one’ll watch it
they met 'n oahu,
came over to th'big island -
winter crowds depressed'm
landing, we share dreams -
hers, more champagne, waikiki,
mine, the haiku steps
tycoon with th’model –
besides champagne ‘n’ th’twelve-hour flight,
nothing else ‘n common
pearl harbor tourist -
new year brings recognition
thirty years' nightmares
haiku valley fog
envelops a steep ladder -
balanced on new year
metal stairs unhinged,
haiku valley shrouded in fog –
‘nother year, ‘bout gone
broker ‘n waikiki –
t’him, th’place is like a mistress,
kiss her at th’new year
broker, waikiki –
th’infinite blue ‘f th’ocean,
epiphany ‘t th’ticker
big island sunset –
th’cobalt blue ‘f th’sea moves on, takes
th’epiph’ny with it
he likes th’kona storms –
when there’s snow ‘n mauna kea,
he’ll go up t’see it
lanai petroglyphs –
they speak through th’ages, even
when th’kona winds blow
waits for th’kona storms –
‘leven months ‘f perfect weather,
‘bout t’go out ‘f his mind
kona winds, hilo –
little bad weather, in truth
makes him feel better
tale ‘t banyan tree square –
local tells ‘f th’winter th’whalers
stoned lahaina
tales ‘f lahaina –
why th’whalers, so mad ‘t th’village,
threw stones ‘t th’banyan square
frigid small town vows
behind, waikiki ahead -
surf breaks and crashes
ocean's pearl sparkles
from mainland march, sun has strayed
temptress oahu!
makaha surfer
not much t’show f’r th’tax refund, but
by god that’s his wave
busy restaurant
loses bride's lu'au - groom's eyes
on duke in finals
chance visit t’ th’lava
spring break – found his true calling,
restoring koi ponds
th’hibiscus blooms red –
th’park lass claims they were planted
for her majesty
a nisei’s loyalty,
she says, spraying th’hibiscus,
‘s always in question
nisei’s memory –
th’hibiscus gard’ner cries t’tell
‘bout th’hachimachi
lass, mem’ries of hachimachi –
most loyal to th’flow’rs
hibiscus gard'ner -
most nisei loyal, grandma
made hachimachi
hibiscus gard’ner,
‘n kapiolani, th’queen’s garden –
hard part’s hauling th’mulch
fresh hibiscus, right ear –
th’locals in honolulu
know just what it means
loyalty’s earned, says
th’kapiolani gard’ner –
hibiscus in ‘r ear
wears th’fresh hibiscus –
maybe like th’sailor’s earring,
depends on which ear
easter rains - hilo
laundromat's dull dryer lint,
needle on old jeans
easter fog ‘n’ drizzle –
pu'u loa petroglyphs
still speak t’ th’visitor
deals in currencies –
even ‘n easter ‘n waikiki,
f’nancial obl’gations
pu’u loa –
th’children, so happy school’s out,
try t’read th’petroglyphs
her majesty’s park –
with grace ‘n’ care, she handles th’flow’rs,
th’hibiscus, in th’sun
fresh bird ‘f paradise –
her purpose, t’honor her aunt
‘n th’valley of th’temples
feeling ‘f cobalt blue –
farthest point on th’big island,
solstice sunset t’ th’west
big island sunset -
cobalt sea t'blanket 'f june stars,
tide that pulls both ways
e pluribus haiku
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