th’aspens, th’mountains, yes –
but what shocks him, th’hikers
on th’other side ‘f th’road
gunbarrel rancher,
through th’window ‘f ‘n old truck – no clue
where th’town got its name
we live in rifle,
nothing funny about it -
happy fourth to ya
his back to traffic,
his sandals catch on asphalt -
wants out of denver
sure ‘n’ steady down th’cliff,
kick that san juan horse all y’want,
he’ll make up ‘s own mind
rocks by th’platte river –
th’monarch, too, has found refuge
‘t th’children’s museum
stops ‘n th’town of rifle,
gun in th’truck, loaded – even
leaves th’windows open
paparazzi ‘n vail –
‘n th’bushes ‘round th’pool, get our shots
‘f it takes us all day
failed t’put out th’campfire –
he blames th’hippies, who’re waiting
for th’dead t’come t’red rocks
‘bove th’springs, th’columbines –
camping ‘n th’mountains, she asks why
th’name even matters
way above denver,
she smokes one f’r cody – she works
‘t th’wild west museum
winter ‘n panjachel –
in telluride, she sells th’purses
and th’turquoise earrings
day ‘n th’uncompaghre –
her wares, she left ‘n telluride,
‘n’ now she can’t let go
shimmering aspens,
their dance upstages denver –
oh! th’monarch’s found them!
evergreen café –
she likes th’shimmering aspens,
can’t afford th’place t’live
big thompson canyon –
motor home manages th’curves,
just what they hoped for
pueblo yards blazing,
minutes t'hours, waiting for train -
all t'stay off th'highway
waits in th’pueblo yards –
th’train may or may not appear,
th’blazing heat’s here t’stay
th’dry dusty boxcar,
pueblo plains heat so hostile –
train’s refusal t’budge
aspen leaves shimmer,
soft afternoon light shines through -
delay denver life
red rocks afternoon –
th’guy was sure he’d seen th’devil,
it was just th’drummer
millionaires ‘t th’fest’val
catch th’scent ‘f campfire – he’ll go back
t’ th’uncompahgre
through denver to th’coast,
windows open – th’mountain air,
‘n’ th’uplifting fragrance
asleep in the hay,
down mountain roads near aspen,
but th'truck loses wheel
hitchhiking against
traffic - estes park aspens
shimmer in the sun
djiboutian cabbie
wants clues - denver conventions,
summer mystery
just up the mountains,
red rocks, blue sky, sun - guitar
solo shimmers, sears
flatlanders in vail
all summer, filling their tanks -
trip home's all downhill
bear logo reflects
in downtown denver's windows -
woodsman's labor day
sneers at th’flatlanders –
vail carpenter likes th’high rents,
place clears out in th’fall
cafe on sixteenth-
painted piano, well-played -
only leaves respond
high ‘bove evergreen,
tea ‘n a grove ‘f flaming aspens –
tries t'magine settling
th’opulence of th’lass,
th’aspen post office, fall rain –
we’re stuck ‘n th’same foyer
trinidad cowboy
in town to belt down a few
cuss out the broncos
th’ranchers come t’limon,
get th’cup ‘f joe on saturday –
sundays’re all f’r th’broncos
pastries from dumpster,
fried acorns, creamers he'd swiped
back in evergreen
th’aspens slowly turn,
‘n’ th’breckenridge carpenter knows
time ‘n th’mountains ‘bout up
downtown trinidad,
on th’bench, dreaming ‘f gold t’be found –
kid ‘n th’ghost costume scares’m
th'platte - souls' day refuge
from traffic and th'business world
of downtown denver
western slope rancher –
at night, reads all their accounts,
then throws’m into th’fire
grew up ‘n djibouti –
now he’s wary ‘f th’first ice on
th’diag’nal highway
green mile scientist’s
th’mistletoe, th’countdown
her mile high champagne,
th’healing nature ‘f cannabis -
in th’smoke, she explains
ice on east colfax -
th’chance t’do science, her first wish,
here’s t’prosp’rous new year
at lookout exit,
truckers warned - icy blizzard,
descent treacherous
skier ‘t telluride
orders th’starbucks in russian,
th’phone translates all th’words
crested butte complaint –
they live t’ski, ‘n’ come by th’hundreds,
no place left to rent
lookout exit sage
rattled – th’blizzard’s made th’traffic
utterly silent
telluride skier –
firm believer ‘n exercise,
‘n’ private property
one windshield wiper –
freezing rain ‘n th’pike forest, ‘n’ he
learns ‘bout nirvana
breckenridge skier –
important t’be in good shape,
money’s not ‘n issue
likes boulder ‘n’ th’snow, but
th’”free tibet” bumper stickers
impress him the most
high above denver,
tunnels blocked by drifts, car stuck,
white noise, no defrost
san luis winters -
so hard, so long, they'd forgot
what candles were for
larimer diner
omelet's ham and cheese - warmth for
next mile-high blizzard
larimer diner –
ham ‘n’ cheese ‘n th’regular omelet,
outside, th’raging blizzard
fog ‘n’ snow ‘n th’high pines,
winding road through much ‘f estes –
eyes on th’qual’ty ‘f th’road
likes t’call it fo-co –
so close to th’ski slopes, but he
mostly sits around
rancher from hugo,
larimer street club, march squall -
his eyes will adjust
ways outside steamboat,
mountain road, ‘n th’alpine daisies
th’mountain goat appears
green mile entr’preneur –
tax day, ‘n’ mentions th’benefits
‘f doing all th’research
long drive to steamboat –
fields ‘f alpine daisies, th’mountain
goat stares back at them
limon boxcar door
slams on april fools' day joke
whole punchline, he missed
high ‘bove evergreen,
th’couple from th’lowlands watch th’rider,
bareback, ‘n th’blooming field
even at easter,
th’dry chinook winds’ll burn th’hillside –
they'll rush back t’denver
chinook winds, so hot,
his face dries ‘n’ cracks, ‘f he don’t stop
lookin’ t’ward denver
road to crestone –
gentle may rains, and th’sounds of
one windshield wiper
whole glade ‘f columbines –
in th’ev'rgreen air, he’s forgot
how hard ‘tis t’get work
field ‘f alpine daisies
short ways off th’two-lane t’steamboat –
close’s th’mountain goat’ll get
mem'ry, horizon
melt together in june sun
next town, dinosaur
e pluribus haiku
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