New Hampshire
got th’whole north country,
but one loon’s rant takes up th’night,
even in lancaster
climbing th’presidents –
left his law firm back ‘n th’city,
loves th’mud on his boots
eager t’climb th’pres’dents,
madison, adams, monroe –
knows’m better’n th’fam’ly
june with th'presidents -
adams, washington, mad'son -
he's climbed them all twice
firecracker took his
from th’mountain, th’old man
‘ll watch th’webster highway tourists –
he’s started t’crumble
lancaster evening,
warm ‘n’ gentle, but even th’loon
complains ‘bout th’winter
down from granite peak
crumbled white mountain king
whose reign has ended
from th’fisherman’s truck,
he sees that th’old man’s crumbled –
though he lives on th’tags
through th’fury’s window,
questions th’old man on th’mountain –
how long will you reign?
laconia bikers
united in their feeling
th’locals’re too proper
th’house’s ghosts talk t’him –
light on th’sill, ‘n’ th’days are shorter,
just off th’franklin pierce
winnipesaukee –
ridgetop campsite local tells
of th’granite ‘n’ th’glaciers
tales ‘f glaciers ‘n’ granite –
winnipesaukee camper
seems t’know th’whole story
in dartmouth green, old
prof expounds under bright trees,
squirrel hides acorns
acorns ‘n th’dartmouth green –
thorough review of th’classics,
little too much wine
leaves on keene roadsides
blow in wind of passing cars,
without their purpose
come back t’ th’keene valley
from his tour ‘n iraq – th’leaves change,
‘n’ he’s hoping f’r lots ‘f snow
banks of th’merrimack –
loves t’fish, ‘n’ loves th’fall colors,
hates t’be stuck on th’bottle
th’el’gance ‘f th’tiny church,
‘n’ th’reddish maples that frame it –
he’s back ‘n th’keene valley
pats on th’radio,
pastor promotes salvation –
“live free or die” tags
tiny town ‘f berlin –
even th’through hikers’ footsteps,
quiet ‘n’ serious
through-hikers in whites
meet by chance - town of berlin
can't contain their joy
walking th’franklin pierce –
first frost on th’hillsides, ‘n’ th’silence,
peaceful town ‘f berlin –
each hiker’s walked from georgia
‘n’ there’s a lot to say
october in th’whites –
no better time t’notice how
ev’rything’s alive
first frost in the whites -
the trail laundry, stuffed in pack -
only maine ahead
through hiker in whites -
somehow stopped seeing colors
't thirty miles a day
rockingham county –
th’pastor’s at his most intense
watching th’football game
seven pumpkins wide,
boxed in by granite - what's this
'live free or die' thing?
portsmouth machinist –
feast ‘r famine, says ‘bout his job,
his wife’ll cook th’turkey
first snows ‘f manchester –
never guess, ev’ry four years,
such a traffic jam
first blizzard, plymouth –
th’stately brich church holds its ground,
ready for much worse
on four going west,
's used to portsmouth, but christmas
's back to mastigouche
north church through window,
eggnog clouds his mem'ry - doomed
to repeat hist'ry?
manchester cafe
wag, sees blizzard - 'moved here for
live free or die tags'
ways off th'franklin pierce -
old farmhouse, thirty acres
'f frozen, rocky earth
lonely, he feeds th’skunk –
roads’re icy, no one visits
back off th’franklin pierce
t’s all ‘bout th’candidate –
white christmas, but she’s stuck on
th’slant ‘f th’union leader
light snow, manchester
side street – but when you’re ‘n pol’tics,
all roads go t’d.c.
this road t’dixville notch –
she wants t’know how folks will vote –
how slick, th’roads t’power!
snow ‘n th’roofs, dixville notch –
all’s quiet, sure they’ll hide from
another tourist
stunned by th’roundabout,
th’maine-bound texan wants t’stop ‘n’ look –
but th’roads’re too icy
freezing rain and snow -
union leader's confident
turnout'll break record
manchester blizzard –
hot air from th’campaigns, he says
makes no difference
lonely stretch of four -
snow on tongue, eyes glaze over
at andover sign
stuck ‘t th’andover sign,
reminded ‘f mom’s law – t’keep th’tongue
off ‘f th’frozen metal
cross th’line ‘t nashua –
feels so diff’rent from boston,
even th’roads’re icier
halfway t’montreal,
stopped in th’whites, t’argue in french
‘bout when th’snow would melt
dartmouth scholar's tale -
verdant valley's flowers bloom,
plato collects dust
flow’r’s got a lot ‘f names,
says th’keene lass – dad’s a pastor,
‘n’ calls ‘t th’devil’s paintbrush
one moment 'n portsmouth -
around th'corner, and in th'sun,
oh! cherry blossoms!
portsmouth’s cherries bloom,
‘n’ even th’’schoolchildren tell you
they know ‘bout haiku
gets off th’road ‘n portsmouth –
has to see th’blooming cherries
t’keep th’haiku spirit
portsmouth’s cherries bloom –
even th’local kids pose with
th’japanese tourists
keene roads, or’nge hawkweed –
pretty as dand’lions, but she
calls’m devil’s paintbrush
u n h tassel -
relatives and friends toast her,
she yearns for the whites
forty years ago,
brought her th’u n h tassel
he’d gone ‘n’ retrieved
motorcycle week –
laconia’s lot like sturgis,
he says, ‘cept for th’loons
e pluribus haiku
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