Friday, July 08, 2005


brownsville flophouse shade
dusty border town respite
reading "on the road"

came through wich'ta falls -
summer of endless prairie,
an apparition

summers ‘t th’water parks,
finally got th’job ‘t th’good one, ‘n he’s
moving t’new braunfels
monsoon water in river -
most o' year it's dry

ruins of tokio -
what's left of post office, shade
for mouse and hiker

a town they call post -
steps echo in its silence
and its august sun

labor day coffee
hundred-year sun finds pecos -
taste of chicory

across a broad lake,
six lanes west to grand prairie -

ten houston commute,
mosquito fries on windshield-
he never saw maine

landed in inchon,
survived a bitter war - but
hates texas summers

raised in port arthur,
held her like a tight swimsuit -
made her want to scream

juarez kids watch trucks
westbound out of el paso
hot sand, deep river

flower girl sings blues
but dusty pal is native

in the alamo
history peeks from behind
racks of sunglasses

back roads to airport -
sun, dust, west texas summer,
highway cuts through bliss

outskirts of dallas -
city nightlife's lure; in th' west,
autumn tornados
old baseball, season's ending-
nine hundredth haiku

all night, hunter's moon,
stiff west wind, high plains, then, at
dawn, amarillo

oil drilling money,
nowhere t’go –it’s halloween, ‘n’ he’s 
fly’n through sweetwater

blouse caught on barbed wire -
it's cooled off toward livable,
b't her mind's on dallas
let's rest, celebrate the breeze
on the guadaloupe

child, sad and hungry,
eyes cookies on l'redo shrine
to th'angelitos

a deep-fried turkey,
parking lot family dinner -

loop lifts at quaker,
geese call and circle their find -
unfrozen water

bag o' 'spresso beans -
plane circles over frigid
fields, lubbock recedes

cott'n in tumbleweed -
new t'plains winter, he brakes for
its rabbit-like jump
scrub bush his only shelter -

ten, ribbon wrapping
the west texas high country -
gift that needs a tree


el paso denny's -
juevos, 'n' new years' toast, to the
safe side 'v the river

short cut back t’dimmitt -
wife gave birth ‘n th’panhandle storm, 
drifts, canyon t’naz’reth

riverwalk buskers’

blankets ‘n’ sweaters against th’night –

not really that cold

near amarillo 
caddy's fins praise winter sun -
old truck's engine dies

eight ball in the side -
abilene cowboy's warning:
stay 'way f'my val'n'tine

hard life ‘f drugs ‘n’ music –
rockers curse th’prickly cactus
its conspiracy theories

huge ranch outside post
easter dinner, ‘njoying th’view,
sky turns, and it pours

they’ve run out th’homeless, ‘n’ made it
a crime to feed them

san marcos, one stop of hike,
boston to peru

it's twisted, she says -
tornado hit th'n.t.s.
outside, a spring squall

they put texas down,
but never saw this field of

hard rains – west texas

wildflow’rs ‘re happy, but cotton
planters are anxious  

migra's got th'dogs out -
guy takes blooming cactus tour
up toward guadaloupes

roadside bluebonnets
open morning, austin-bound

trav'lin' th'ABC,
hit lubbock this spring, had enough -
his dreams in a knot

town ‘f turkey tries to contain

th’panhandle’s urge t’drink

kerrville campfire jam -
tune and tale from each corner,
soft glow of embers


roads were wet, ‘n’ she went off one –
wet wood crackles ‘n’ th’fire

wanted th’kerrville hugs

so badly that time, she came

and left th’car running

at least when she died,

says the kerrville camper, she was
going someplace good

flags along quaker,

reasons they died, long lost to
corner news vendors

his hometown's called wink -
one june, followed sun west - 's friends
couldn't seem to leave


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