only seven, and sweat
soaks his collar - he mentions
his high plains district
union station hack,
shaken down by th'inspector,
curses labor day
down from the blue ridge,
finds her in georgetown cafe -
dead leaves in his hair
fresh suit, and he wants
the restaurant's best pumpkin pie -
k street urgency
"team's a steroid bath,
street thugs, white coach, ain't nothin'
red-skinned about it"
the names on the wall,
each connected to a life -
skillful crowd handling -
he recalls th'day 'f nixon's
'ye shall know the truth' -
beltway blizzard, trucker's brakes -
th'truth shall set you free
he blows in his hands,
brought tractors down to
protest farm bills - dug us out
of a huge blizzard
beltway ramp dharma
wafting smell of impairment,
a cold, hard march rain
tidal basin pinks
on stately monument grays -
history unfolds
samurai display -
with cherries, celebration
'f our relationship