Wednesday, July 13, 2005

rhode island


ninety five exit
pebbles kicked into high weeds -
signs for providence

narrow, twisted streets,
firecracker smell - he loses
naragansett breeze

big house, wife and kids,
riding mower, restless heart
outside providence

moonstone beach lass’ tale –

hot sand, clear water, granite

th’opposite ‘f brown law school

th’frantic pace, stressful

new classes, she escapes, for
th’gentle fog on one

limits ‘f reason ‘n’ law,
boundlessness ‘f love ‘n’ choice – first leaves
‘f th’trains ‘n providence yards

from riverbank, leaf
goes to town with no regard -

naragansett bar
patrons want sox game, in spite
of irrelevance

these harvests of corn
fed villages like this one
called quonochontaug

ocean breeze, hist’ry,
politics – at touro street,
they hear the shofar

crossing the seekonk -

souls' day blizzard's slowed southbound

traffic to a crawl

head'n for miami,
christmas in bahamas, but
stuck in pawtucket

a glass of champagne
to future in providence -
mistletoe's fragrance

rizdee (r.i.s.d.) coffee cures
frostbite - artistic flourish
graces tart's icing

prudence and patience -
islands guarding harbor floes,
old fashioned sisters

bowl of 'be mine' hearts -
trapped at desk, longs for escape
naragansett view

mount hope, providence
valentine wish - clear blue sky -
instead, cold hard rain

woonsocket waitress
with no love of dandelions
in wreath or as tip

spring on empire street

urban planner expounds on
th’boswash corridor

newport sailor's tale -
thrill, danger, wind, then the cup -
he pays for th' guinness



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