Washington D,C,
‘n th’courtyard ‘f th’holocaust
museum, th’heat – ‘cross town, he
talks ‘bout th’fine people
crossing th’potomac –
‘n th’june rain she turns off th’radio,
‘lectric car just hums
heading out t’watch th’nats –
might drink ‘n’ skip work on monday,
gov’rnmnent’ll keep running
stuck, m ‘n’ wisconsin –
as georgetown gets steamier,
comes t’miss th’swimming hole
only seven, and sweat
soaks his collar - he mentions
his high plains district
curses ‘n th’steamy night –
th’inspector shook down th’poor hack
‘n th’union station queue
constitution ave –
they went for ice cream, but th’kid
spilled’t on einstein’s lap
th’ranchers ‘n his district
wouldn’t know th’k street pressure –
he sweats in th’air con
bluegrass harm’nies cut
th’warm rain, foggy bottom porch –
opp’site ‘f politics
early morn, th’sharp heat –
he’d like th’feel ‘f georgetown better
‘he could stay inside
union station hack,
shaken down by th'inspector,
curses labor day
down from the blue ridge,
finds her in georgetown cafe -
dead leaves in his hair
near m ‘n’ wisconsin,
come from th’blue ridge, leaves from ‘s cuffs
fall on th’café floor
redskin capped clerk’s scowl –
hiker uses th’bathroom, fills
his water from th’fountain
redskin hat’s askew,
clerk’s disdain for lack ‘f manners –
east coast irony
foggy bottom porch –
bluegrass back-beat, th’stand-up bass,
forget th’election
fresh suit, and he wants
the restaurant's best pumpkin pie -
k street urgency
skins game in th’background,
clink ‘f glasses, ‘n’ ev’ry debate
‘s some kind ‘f politics
clerk with th’redskin hat –
mad ‘t th’hiker f’r using th’restroom,
wants him t’buy something
fash’nable georgetown
breakfast place, even th’waiter
wearing th’nixon mask
sports bar on u street –
passionate ‘bout politics,
they aren’t watching th’skins
k street lobbyist –
pressure ‘n’ th’beer change th’fellow’s mind,
redskins get th’fumble
"team's a steroid bath,
street thugs, white coach, ain't nothin'
red-skinned about it"
lincoln’s ‘bout a mile
from th’foggy bottom station –
not too cold a walk
his breath curls slowly,
in th’cold he squints t’recognize
th’names on th’marble wall
first snows in georgetown –
helps, he says, ‘gainst th’east coast stress
jagger’s plaintive tones
the names on the wall,
each connected to a life -
he watches his breath
cabbie in th’district –
even ‘n winter, judges th’fares
by th’danger ‘f th’locale
some pow’rful bluegrass,
egg nog, ‘n’ k street politics –
an odd comb’nation
skillful crowd handling -
he recalls th'day 'f nixon's
friends’re boycotting th’speech,
she’ll take th’metro down t’ th’city,
t’protest th’state ‘f th’union
frigid dawn – th’district
police’ve made th’schoolbuses touch,
have t’keep th’people out
election went bad –
now it’s cold, ‘n’ he’s on th’ellipse
yelling into th’crowd
'ye shall know the truth' -
beltway blizzard, trucker's brakes -
th'truth shall set you free
lincoln memorial –
watching his breath, he touches
th’words carved into th’stone
snow and bitter cold -
he blows in his hands, outside
th'lincoln memorial
brought tractors down to
protest farm bills - dug us out
of a huge blizzard
ice ‘t th’reflecting pool –
th’confused australian tourist,
too, walks across it
beltway ramp dharma
wafting smell of impairment,
a cold, hard march rain
kalorama heights –
finds th’mansions’ gardens stunning,
but seeks th’redbuds ‘n th’park
redbuds ‘f cathedral
avenue – out kalorama, tries t’find
th’seren’ty sculpture
tidal basin pinks
on stately monument grays -
history unfolds
‘tween th’cherry blossoms
‘n’ th’monuments, stops a while
‘t th’holocaust itself
from th’cherry fest, stops
‘t th’holocaust memorial –
that upsets his day
blossoms ring c street,
he says he know her – she says
might be possible
great aunt died ‘t h’rosh’ma –
prefers th’café ‘t th’holocaust
to th’cherry blossoms
out on wallenberg,
th’spring breeze – she tells of th’horror,
th’demons ‘f th’common man
quarter ‘n th’potomac,
spring forward ‘n’ th’morning rush hour,
wishes just t’move on
samurai display -
with cherries, celebration
'f our relationship
e pluribus haiku
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