Thursday, September 29, 2005


current rafters' fire
of brush from sandy bottoms
mem'ries of lost loves

clear skies up st. jo
way, but river keeps rising -
right over the road

trucks' rumble as bass,
locusts' melody, harsh glow
kingdom city sign

lake of the ozarks
water dirty - but still lets
a boy catch a fish

missouri cow game -
drive through green hills, count, lose all
at cemetery

live in the moment,
steady canoe, shoot rapids
on current river

st. gen exit ramp,
weeds aflower, locusts deaf'n -
roads drift into haze

a single two-lane
snakes through branson - takes all of
august to get through

y'all come back t'see us,
branson waitress says - august
traffic chokes the road

leg blown off in 'nam,
now i sit in bootheel house,
watch weeds go to seed

milkweed patch near troy -
monarch, your road seems less direct,
you, too, should go south

paw paw - she finds fruit

old mines' brogue is named after,

serves it with pancakes

white spires, bridge at cape
dove's wings perched on great river
november's sun falls

ozark pastor's prayer
for new highway echoes - first
snow dusts joplin road

king bridge's rumbling -
geese, following the river,
louder than people

mexico - missouri towns,
road sign winter dreams

quilt on truman's bed
for eighty lamar winters
too close to wood stove

epiphany feast -
pizza and bottled water
at lambert airport

thunder bay t’n’orleans,

crossing sev’nty, snow t’hard rain
time f’r cup of coffee

delmar diner cook –
scorn f’r th’poorly dressed ‘hoosiers’
come in from th’blizzard

scarred concrete pillar,
icy shoulder - mem'ry of
mcgwire highway sign

the arch soars, a steel
ribbon cuts, turns - but unlike
my kite, it comes back

plane veers over arch
westbound, a world opens up -
march ozark sunset

foot of the king bridge,
press waits for tournament teams -
sweet sixteen comes home

flooded bootheel plain
march sun, exit bridge doubt me -

lambert lot shuttle
suitcases press on child's doll
now safe from march rain

june rain pounds the bridge,
muddy missouri rises -
earth city sign's lost


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