sixty six, claremore –
camps near the ‘eat’ sign, t’make sure
he doesn’t forget
oke city highrise –
t’th’north, fireworks, t’th’south, good old boy
getting arrested
his fourth - tales of old
ragtown, anadarko, tribes
whose lands were taken
wall ‘f banjos ‘n bricktown
reflect ‘gainst their glass case – now
they’re safe from th’air con
down through oke city
th’sun beats down on th’motel sign,
th’faded oasis
tales of th’one lane bridge –
lived near sapulpa, ‘n’ he’d fish
rock creek, just t’watch th’show
grand lake downpour blinds
all but those who know by heart
road to fishin' hole
green country downpour –
spends th’summer weekends ‘t grand lake,
always plenty ‘f fish
dog days in lawton
'f you thought soldiers would be out
you were mistaken
lawton’s blazing sun –
folks who live here seem t’adjust,
not a soul on th’street
avoids th’will rogers –
take th’land, says th’guy ‘n th’melon truck,
then charge us t’use it
plains outside lawton –
even th’old motel’s air con
can’t beat th’pow’rful heat
baseball ‘n oke city –
short hop, pitcher t’ th’first baseman,
couple ‘f small earthquakes
okemah native
knows well your sultry welcome -
completely ignored
blazing lawton sun
keeps folks off streets and hiding
in army's air-con
ain't the first outlaw
these ouachitas ever hid
on a summer night
wildflow’rs on th’free road –
chandler man likes sixty-six,
no use f’r th’will rogers
bricktown cowboy’s lass –
not as sure ‘bout th’drinking he plans
f’r th’labor day weekend
near judy ranch - dusk,
marsh grass - southbound whooping cranes
also stop to rest
judy ranch sunset –
south ‘cross th’prairie, th’whooping cranes
‘ve chosen this spot t’land
out by th’judy ranch,
he says, work’s hard, ‘n’ th’weather’s bad –
stops t’watch th’southbound cranes
road to stillwater -
sunset on rust-colored fields,
hawk scans for his prey
two-lane t’stillwater –
th’hawk scans th’frosted sorghum field,
th’kids think ‘bout breakfast
town like okemah,
first frost ‘n’ they watch th’trav’ler –
best not mention th’name
piercing eyes, pumpkin
patch, anadarko back road -
our worlds, so different
‘round sunset he stops
at th’anadarko pumpkin stand –
simple transaction
lifted weights in barn,
play'n for th'sooners, tornado
took all but the weights
drillers on th’weekend –
motel showers, beer ‘n’ fritters,
‘n’ th’sooners’ quarterback
playing for th’sooners
when th’twister hit – decided
never t’leave home ‘gain
near ada, coffee's
weak, stuffing's dry - in a booth,
an old man says grace
complains ‘bout th’stuffing,
th’ada man says grace and flirts
like he did at home
cranberries from th’can –
ada man burns th’last ‘f his smokes,
family’s long gone
hot tea for th’long drive –
‘n clinton, says th’arapaho,
least made it t’ th’highway
heard th’champagne bottles –
th’earthquakes, says th’edmond wine clerk,
might ‘s well get used t’em
th’howling guymon wind –
can’t help see th’wrapping paper
up ‘gainst th’barbwire fence
salt trucks ‘n th’yukon roads,
strong coffee, ‘n’ both hands on ]th’wheel –
he knows all th’exits
arches ‘bove th’freeway –
with th’freezing rain, hesitate,
‘n’ you might have trouble
tulsa truck stop tale –
hitching t’th’coast t’see his girlfriend,
th’ice storms delayed him
clinton mcdonald's -
exchange of hot tea, cold hiker
'n' cheyenne arapahoe
broken bow trucker,
road salt on th’overalls too –
not sure what he said
panhandle ranchers
on windswept plain - another
bag of sand in truck
frigid guymon morn –
th’plains wind blows th’wrapping paper
up against th’barbed wire
kaw nation's coffee -
at th'border sign, he spills some
on th'icy gravel
yukon’s glazed freeway –
he knows by heart th’license plates
of th’native nations
kids with happy meals,
below, m'ssouri-bound cars
swerve on sleeted lanes
panhandle duststorm –
th’trav’ler, unprepared for th’stop,
‘n’ two hours ‘n th’wine cellar
rest stops near tulsa
march tornado blows semi
westbound to eastbound
'don't drive through smoke' sign
asks what kinds of fires you'd see-
spring in green country
spring ‘n th’field ‘f empty chairs –
she comes here a lot, us’ally
doesn’t cry like this
her ex worked th’gun shows –
spring rain ‘n th’reflection pool – just
happened t’meet those guys
spring ‘t th’survivors’ wall –
she tells how he told them ‘bout
ammonium nitrate
field of empty chairs –
to th’schoolchildren, it’s th’day off,
t’her, it’s th’deepest ‘f grief
ouachita mountain
backroad leads down into fog -
blossoms still hiding
fog in th’ouachitas –
may be that some folks live here,
like th’flowers, hidden
come down off th’high plains,
ouachita mountains draped ‘n fog –
secrets waiting t’bloom
slept ‘n th’field ‘f goldenrod –
ouachita mountain rain comes,
‘n’ he’d like t’find th’people
th’trucker hits tulsa –
near oral roberts, th’dust storm,
lost th’need for th’two step
rain ‘t th’survivors’ wall –
she watches all th’schoolchildren
splashing in th’puddles
panhandle rancher –
impatient with th’devil’s claws
pulls from th’puppy’s fur
may rains grip tulsa -
docent listens to tramp's tale
of storming dachau
helmet’s from dachau,
says th’bum t’th’docent – sheltered now
from tulsa’s may rains
bois' city founders
sold dreams with no more substance
'n these spring tumbleweeds
grand lake, bait ‘n’ tackle –
th’fish seem t’be hungriest
either side ‘f th’spring rains
i’m serious, she says –
th’flow’rs ‘n th’wichita mountain field
called th’indian blanket
june wedding – guymon
groom shows th’cowboy boots he’ll wear,
‘n’ th’bit he made for th’bride
e pluribus haiku
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