Friday, January 26, 2007



eastbound, little rock
has steamy edge - baked west fades
in rearview mirror

southern grace 'n' charm, refuge from

th'northern experience

certain mean spirit -

t'drown out th'foul language

downtown little rock,
thirty and the arkansas -
wetland summer sounds

abandoned cabin,
deep hazen woods - nap, halfway
mex'co to iowa

two-lane near ozark,
woods ease into fall, old truck
into second gear

hog fans, down for game -
old pickup, eureka swerves,
fumbling all the beers

man from spur, texas
look'n for wooded ozark land-
snow falls on 'closed' sign

little rock motel -
six share room, sleep in shifts, work
right through holidays

hard life of drinking
ends on icy glazed park bench
in texarkana

has millions, but gets
heet for truck, says 'nice weather' -
and leaves for f'ettev'lle

fort smith freeway bridge
feeling - ice breaks on river,
clear skies to the west

hope waitress' ashtray's
smoke floats to faded ceiling,
another year ends

hope bridesmaid's complaint -
church door's stuck, spring rains starting -
it takes a good yank

at mountain home sign,
dawn reaches ridge - ride or two
from dulcimer jam

needs gas n'seed money
or a life - an hour from hope,
but four from dallas

eureka skater's
steep venue - staid victorians,
cliffside wildflowers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


coast fog, crashing waves -
big sur, soothing balm, after
sizzling desert roads

finds him out in th'haight

dealin' 'n' trippin' at th'same time,

even on the fourth

dodgers at candl'stick,
ancient and bitter feud - pard'n,
but I'm just pass'n through

humboldt redwood dreams,
ferns, rotted bark as mattress,
canopy as tent

he grew up 'n l.a., but knows

it'll never be th'same

downtown stockton - five's

shoulder, flat tire, van 'f hikers,

impatience 'f the law

saw sign say'n "zzyzx"-
california in summer
or desert mirage?

road to manzanar -
sweat imprisons, sun rises,
camp memories burn

takes three days to get
from south l.a. to north by thumb
nights with roadside flowers

road splits in barstow,
where hopes fry like egg on road -
one hiker's still stuck

from baldy, th'hazy

valley - warm winters're good,

summers like this're hell

cheese, apple, skippy -

waves crash, harvest moon rises

over th'hearst castle

candlestick vendor
doesn't want to run for change -
tired of long season

third night, roadside flowers,
vast valleys, l.a. traffic -
miss'n two-lane's colors

even on saints' day,
flowers blooming on hillside -
l.a. freeway bridge


same exit, same l.a. smog,

same roadside flowers

rider - "how limiting 't is

t'only love women"

mendocino surf's

brooding crash - 'n' abalone

for thanksgiving feast

police on the ten
stop hikers five yards from sign -
no christmas spirit

savage traffic fumes -
neon diamond, sunset haze,
christmas eve descends

took four days to hitch
south l.a. to north - new year
in roadside bushes

santa monica
cop, no hot crimes, spends new year
waking the homeless

venice canal's edge -
old country's reflection in
a champagne bottle

week in griffith park
'f love, coffee, peanut butter -
holidays come and go

got to san diego
felt the dark east behind him -
epiphany tide

high sierra storm
ice on pines and patios
takes one's breath away

lodi trucker's drawl -
it's only green in winter,
brown, rest of the year

mountain winds whistle,
snow-laden pines sway and shriek -
long barn and its glade

art on venice walls -
they ignore it all winter,
he tags the palm tree

backup on the five
cars, sun, air con - for this we
trade scraping windshields?

sweeping clay street curbs,
he speaks of spring festivals
where weather changes

sleeps days, big sur woods -
spring moon at highway crossing,
nights by ocean waves

panhachel 'til may
then bring it to malibu
in time for arts fest

gate bridge – quickly, help give her

some reasons to live!

june evening drama -
he curses the four oh five
and all its people

Friday, January 19, 2007


his back to traffic,
his sandals catch on asphalt -
wants out of denver

we live in rifle,
nothing funny about it -
happy fourth to ya

pueblo yards blazing,
minutes t'hours, waiting for train -
all t'stay off th'highway

aspen leaves shimmer,
soft afternoon light shines through -
delay denver life

asleep in the hay,
down mountain roads near aspen,
but th'truck loses wheel

hitchhiking against
traffic - estes park aspens
shimmer in the sun


djiboutian cabbie
wants clues - denver conventions,
summer mystery

just up the mountains,
red rocks, blue sky, sun - guitar
solo shimmers, sears

flatlanders in vail
all summer, filling their tanks -
trip home's all downhill

bear logo reflects
in downtown denver's windows -
woodsman's labor day

cafe on sixteenth-
painted piano, well-played -
only leaves respond

trinidad cowboy
in town to belt down a few
cuss out the broncos

pastries from dumpster,
fried acorns, creamers he'd swiped
back in evergreen

th'platte - souls' day refuge

from traffic and th'business world

of downtown denver

at lookout exit,
truckers warned - icy blizzard,
descent treacherous

likes boulder ‘n’ th’snow, but

th’”free tibet” bumper stickers

impress him the most

high above denver,
tunnels blocked by drifts, car stuck,
white noise, no defrost

san luis winters -
so hard, so long, they'd forgot
what candles were for

larimer diner
omelet's ham and cheese - warmth for
next mile-high blizzard

rancher from hugo,
larimer street club, march squall -
his eyes will adjust

ways outside steamboat,

mountain road, ‘n th’alpine daisies
th’mountain goat appears

limon boxcar door
slams on april fools' day joke
whole punchline, he missed

mem'ry, horizon
melt together in june sun
next town, dinosaur


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


mango, pocketknife,
church lawn - litchfield knows he's not

lonely stretch of eight -
locusts' shrill protest, that he'd
walk to western mass

bridgeport exit weeds

‘n th’shadow of th’old mill, he sews

th’patches on his jeans

new canaan car wash
scrubs august earth off license,
constitution state!

hates th'insurance biz -

tavern on avon's main street,

lifts glass t'hopeless sox

th’cashier sells hope, at
th’meshantucket casino –
out here, th’leaves ‘re changing

th’deep blue ‘f shewville brook,
th’bright leaves – th’certain doom, she says,
something y’get used to

bed ‘f leaves ‘n’ acorns seems better
than th’steady take ‘f th’game

old mystic hiker,
pot of pine needle tea: first
melts with sunrise

just past danbury,
sunrise through valley's wood smoke -
a voice says: don't leave

groton trucker's horn,
celebrating pats' vict'ry -
rest stop clarion

leaves turn peacefully
but wall street and its culture -
just down the merritt

pequot gamer says
lot less snow up here these days -
lot more rusted cars

hutch river to th’ryes –

getting one’s mind prepared

for the holidays

asylum hill cook –
th’feast is f’r watching th’roseparade
‘n’ for forgetting th’past

powder ridge ski lift
gears grind, heart heals painfully
eternal delays

tea served in step-van,
bridge freezes where ninety-five
crosses thames river

poet's glasses crack
'tween pack and icy road sign
at avon junction

housatonic woods
campfire crackles against chill
bitter march morning

choose to be patient,
sheep will move when weather breaks,
quaker hill back road

algonquin campfire
breakfast - the blackest coffee
to thaw the late freeze

u-conn hoops champ says
campus comes alive in march,
no town to speak of


Saturday, January 13, 2007



rehoboth lifeguard,
his attention diverted,
loses a moment

r.v.'s in dover -
ribs, beer, anticipation;
race day approaches

slaughter beach - the child's

sandcastle saves th'horseshoe crabs

stranded by low tide

centreville meeting

graveyard - picnic with folks who

don't share my lifestyle

dover nascar champ
logos bathed in vict'ry lights
speed, power, gold tooth

diplomat's beemer
double parked in rehoboth -
summer's patience gone

two ninety five bridge
traffic hums - in batt'ry park,
fall comes in with tide

outside zwaanendael,
leaves in wind - couple argues
about 'going dutch'

big night at the schwarz -
small town wears its pearls and heels,
first snow hits east coast

jealous of dupont

and his immaculate billiards,

winter t'hone his skills

chopped wood, blazing fire,
can of beans, bread, potatoes -
hardscrabble new year

epiph'ny tide at
rehoboth - bottle, note from
th'canary islands

dime off memorial -
frozen delaware's better
than that flyers' rink

des'lation, despair -

th'faces 'f bundled up commuters


wilmington rest stop
tourist daydream - visit folks
tax refund goes to

ocean of water
spring rains, and nothing to do
beth'ny's dry's ever

her smile looks diff'rent, thousands

'f flowers behind her

she works at nemours,

faithful t'dupont 'n' th'legacy -

when flow'rs bloom, she dreams


Friday, January 12, 2007



jupiter dune tracks,
lead out into ocean tides,
june's gentle blanket

old town sanibel -
on the fourth, they want th'real thing
and t'relax, finally

arrive at key west
to summer sunset dock dreamers -
kiss the earth, grateful

anna maria's
wide, empty beach - got used to
calm august tempo

dockside at sunset,

their eyes meet - even keywest


gators' line held up -
three steaks and ten beers later,
thinks he's entitled

widow, sorry she brought him,

sad he had to leave

in rhinestones and high heels,

got four clubs in mind

old ybor city,
trolley to cuban kitchen -
turkey, flan 'n' cigar

jax traffic nightmare,

black friday at th'malls - th'old man

heads back t'saint aug'stine 

in disney line, kids

watch santa whisper t'mickey -

personnel issue

got friends in boca -
it's a good place to thaw out
when champagne goes flat

wakes up in boca
silk sheets, but she’s hid th’champagne,
th’husband rings th’buzzer

vengeful and violent –
waves crash on south beach, b’yond th’porch,
he turns on th’rose bowl

she’s got money, th’bad marriage,
he’s got th’pack ‘n’ th’fiddle

new year - what's left of
three bottles, and the same curb
hemingway sat on

glove rubs rounded glass,
she swears she'll never forget
the launch on this beach

homestead motor home,
new york blizzard on its screen -
no guilt or regret

maine to chile, but
luck, time stop in miami
for epiphany storm

la-dee-dah's nightlife,
a spring break destination,
weary bum's tangent

jupiter beach dunes -
starry march night reaches wide,
pulls gray ocean tides

thirty-a traffic -
spring break, whole world comes t'visit,
sits out on th'highway

cards in jupiter -
cigars, flask, hoops brackets, and
jacket just in case

the girl, from jersey
to sea world this march - dolphin
looks her in the eye

up t'ten from the keys,
ready for the long hitch to th'coast
dawn with st. johns frogs

dominic'n easter -
she explains through tears why she's
still on concourse f

builder frames his house,
tampa reaches to marshes -
scrub jay moves her nest
