Friday, November 25, 2005



labor day - haiku
guard takes our photograph;
in fog, a smile's lost

chirping stilt protests
tenuous relationship
on pearl harbor beach

pounding 'f th'taro root,

its echo fills th'valley

rain pounds windward side,
haiku valley mission postponed -
saints day step van tea

urge to pray - during

volcano park ranger's tale,

r'members it's souls' day

twelve hundred degree lava,

best to step aside

kailua tourist -
tells how aunt picked fights over
that turkey carcass

frigid small town vows
behind, waikiki ahead -
surf breaks and crashes

they met 'n oahu,
came over to th'big island -
winter crowds depressed'm

landing, we share dreams -
hers, more champagne, waikiki,
mine, the haiku steps

pearl harbor tourist -
new year brings recognition
thirty years' nightmares

haiku valley fog
envelops a steep ladder -
balanced on new year

ocean's pearl sparkles
from mainland march, sun has strayed
temptress oahu!

busy restaurant
loses bride's lu'au - groom's eyes
on duke in finals

th’hibiscus blooms red
th’park lass claims they were planted

a nisei’s loyalty,
she says, spraying th’hibiscus,
‘s always in question


lass, mem’ries of hachimachi –
most loyal to th’flow’rs

hibiscus gard'ner -

most nisei loyal, grandma

made hachimachi

easter rains - hilo
laundromat's dull dryer lint,
needle on old jeans

big island sunset -

cobalt sea t'blanket 'f june stars,

tide that pulls both ways


Sunday, November 20, 2005


cour d'alene boxcar
shuts out steady mountain rain
pine smell slips through cracks

bitter years at camps;
minidoka memories -
locusts at window

fry bread 'n' huckleberries -

spit grease, cars on twelve, the sounds
of his own footsteps

fled pocatello
took enough to camp in these
a while

quarter in the snake,
small plop of an august dream-
undammed illusions

hell's canyon rafter -

moment of calm, gold leaf,

reflection in th'snake

first frost, morning chill,

coffee, trout on open fire -

bitterroot breakfast

cour d'alene drunkard
unfolding torn cali map -
damaged by first snow

twelve hours from th'coast ,

fills tank, but waits out th'blizzard -

welcome t'idaho!

panhandle woodsman,
winter's wood surrounds cabin-
sawdust falls from beard

she serves the onion soup with

pointed suggestion

window sealed against
moscow snows - not like russia,
'cept for the vodka

off twelve, th'wilderness

thaws and awakens - the fish

watches the hiker

st. joe forest home
bear knows where fish jump in spring -
let him have first try

they called it the red
'cause it ran red with salmon -
they came up hungry

salmon and coffee,
sun on lolo pass camas -
glad i'm home, he says

grandpa pulled salmon
from th' river by th'bucketfull
's why it's called the red

river ice breaks up,
fishin's good, but he dries out
in a boise jail

weiser fiddler's tale -

a world of travels end in

small town festival

Saturday, November 05, 2005



kingshighway shoulder,
flat stone stuck in his sandal -
cahokia fossil?

sore from detassling,
knox county roads shimmering,
drive home first, then sleep

a fourth of crackers -
ancient farmhouse, acid rock,
washington county

porsche convertible,
lakeshore drive sparkle in sun -
let me off at king

kentucky side's just
as steamy, says pilot of
cave-in-rock ferry

in the kickapoo,
lazy waters, shallow breeze
mud on nettled legs

cahokia mound's
shadow - east saint louis fries;
bones rest one more year

blazing heat, cornfield,

ten silos here, small town there,

train stretches t'champaign

sox traffic ties up
th'dan ryan - locals grateful
to have their streets back

danville exit sign,
no shade from sun's reflection
skin reddens and dries

fragrant hay on truck
old blue hills, sunset, dirt road
lincoln's gaze on plate

corn tassels for miles
august breeze, shimmering fields
near use exit sign

carlinville clerk says
not much to see here except
labor day cyclists

bridgeport hiker’s sweat
get on the wrong side ‘f this bridge,
they throw you on th’road

off thunderstorm road,
civil war graveyard's secrets
rest in a cool shade

orange cones and sox game
add minutes to the commute -
strangler to the loop

giant city stars,
falling leaf - he made it to
another campfire

outside new baden,
drivers in traffic gaze at
harvest beans, flooded

murph dormer to roof,
to tree and down to bushes,
to apple-fest jam

the heron circles
at evergreen reservoir -
might stay for winter

in the shawnee caves
nomads barter for hemp socks -
october drizzle

walmart pumpkin sale
drivers become impatient
trail of tears junction

chief illiniwek
blanket with indian corn
image, illusion

well into vets' day
mums keep their yellows, dragons
guard the castle park

ribbon of traffic
soars down brown icy hillside
about to cross th'spoon

perry county teens
making plans behind manger -
snow on courthouse stone

not knowing grand tow'r
tales, we stop at th'river's edge -
in comes the new year

machine capp'cino
warms hand, feet slip on ice at
effingham rest stop

gray january -
salt stains shoulders near king bridge,
sun sets behind arch

deisel fuel chapel
where gravel lot fades to weeds -
icy carlyle sign

depot's crackling snow -
train man statue's gaze falls on
town I abandoned

glazed ice on bean fields -
blue hue deepens, sun sets on
okawville exit

unyielding winter -
working man's song, a hard brake,
pekin road off ramp

the toll collector,
on frigid night near o'hare -
smile of the buddha

tollway or dan ryan
or'nge cones on slick deadly ice
fatal drudgery

worked thirty-three years,
ford plant, chicago heights - now,
it's cold, 'n' i'm leavin'

ry'n and ninety fifth -
warm change on icy platform -
first train to the loop

on snowy o'hare
tarmac, pilot says it's all
physics - but i pray

plane circles o'hare,
march hail sweeps city beneath -
above clouds, sun sets

the green-colored beer
green streamers, bulls game background
outside, spring on rush

six lane ninety four
lake cook traffic hides spring - then,
japanese garden

rain pounds river road,
piasa cliffs - high water,
frogs jump in darkness

memphis wood river
sign - low wet mud, fresh new corn,
ghosts of cahokia

murdale laundromat
may rains, dust and lint, a nap
dryer calmly waits

"th'judges 'r all on th'take,"

she says and shrugs - flowers bloom 'n 
loop buildings' boxes

big muddy's
standing water in the fields -
long plantin' season

inside loop taxi
blossoms reflect off glass walls
open the window!

- more illinois haiku (carbondale and local- some repeated)

Friday, November 04, 2005


raised 'n americus -
fished th'wabash, he says, 'n'roamed all'f
tipp'canoe county

world's freshest melons,
posey county moon's shadow -
town called solitude

tales of snow dragon,
tibetans in bloomington -
monarch stops t'listen

dunes picnic sunburn
sharp pain of needing to be
back around the lake

to her, polk fireflies
elusive, like dad - to him,
too easy to catch

richmond - this town of
quaker seminarians -
cicadas' silence

autumn eve, th’wabash

long ago, they chose this spot

t’make their utopia

fog shrouds orange woods -
tales of flight and secrecy
passing through tell city

deep in the hoosier,
campground fire fades to pink ash -
tomorrow, winter

broadway's faded hues-
quilt of steelworkers' fam'lies,
memories' winter hearth

all 'f indy's left church,

have t'get ready f''r th'holidays -

bad time to hitchhike

terre haute diner's
muddy coffee - new year plans

at gary on-ramp
sun catches hard metal shiv
on icy shoulder

near on-ramp outside
of indianapolis -
snow falls on dog's grave

indiana pike
rest stop blizzard - she longs for
california sun

this state lived for hoops
but march hopes flickered and died
since he threw that chair

came here for the race -
a thousand miles to indy
certain spark and fire

world comes to indy
for speed, power, thrills - sun tries
t'set 'n its exit ramp